A close relative of the common garden sage, the clary sage is a perennial herb that grows from May to September. It gets its name from the Latin word "clarus," which means "clear." It was referred to as "clear eyes" during the Middle Ages due to it often being used to help vision and to address tired or strained eyes.
This oil has numerous benefits ranging from nerve relaxation to menopausal stability. Clary sage oil may be used to help calm both the mind and body by boosting mental strength to fight off depression and physically relax the nerves to reduce unwanted spasms. Simply place a few drops into your favorite diffuser to experience these qualities for yourself.
Clary sage oil has also been used to act as an aphrodisiac that stimulates sexual desires. Along with this, the oil works well to eliminate digestive problems and gas that refuses to release. For those that suffer from irregular and painful periods, try out this oil to regulate and decrease negative side effects such as craving, cramps, bloating, and mood swings for less painful menstruation.
Steam Distilled • Consistency: Thin • Aroma: Floral, slightly fruity & herbaceous
Blends well with geranium, lavender, jasmine, neroli, bergamot, and other citrus oils, as well as wood oils such as frankincense, and cedar-wood.
* Always be sure to dilute pure oils with a carrier oil before applying to skin. Consult with a doctor if you are pregnant or want to apply the oil on a child. If you see any adverse effects, promptly remove the oil from the skin and call your doctor.