Clove leaf essential oil has strong antibacterial properties that do wonders for digestive health. Add a drop into some hot tea, stir it up, and let the calmness spread through your stomach as it decreases gas, bloating, indigestion, facilitates a better breakdown of food.
The oil can also help relieve toothaches, as well as help fight mouth and throat infections. If you feel congestion brought on by respiratory problems, put a few drops into a diffuser and you may start to feel more and more air slowly fill up your lungs. Not only does this oil help with breathing, but its antibacterial properties also help rid of infections at the same time. To promote healthier skin, use with a carrier oil to may fight off acne, soothe inflamed skin, and even treat athletes foot.
Steam Distilled • Consistency: Thin to Thick • Aroma: Spicy & Strong
Blends well with clary sage, ylang ylang, rose, spearmint, lavender, and geranium.
* Always be sure to dilute pure oils with a carrier oil before applying to skin. Consult with a doctor if you are pregnant or want to apply the oil on a child. If you see any adverse effects, promptly remove the oil from the skin and call your doctor.