Bringing Sensuality Back to The Bedroom with Essential Oils

Valentine's Day is around the corner and for many couples, the day known for it's iconic red and pink color scheme and over-priced boxes of chocolate, brings on a bout of serious anxiety. We're not talking about the stress of having to plan an elaborate date night (if that is what your spouse wants) or finding the perfect present. For many couples, Valentine's Day is a dreadful reminder of what their lives were like before having kids, bringing about the painful question "when was the last time we were intimate?"
Jasmine Essential Oil
Sandalwood Essential Oil
Sandalwood oil has been used for centuries in religious and spiritual ceremonies. The pungent and woodsy scent is strong and sexy, commonly known to entice through smell, taste and touch. Applying this oil as a light perfume is guaranteed to turn your partner on when they hold you close and should make the time spent cuddling a substantially satisfying experience.
Patchouli Essential Oil
Floreo Aphrodisiac Blend
If you are looking for a blend of oils that offers an array of benefits, the Floreo blend is your all-in-one package. This blend has lavender, geranium, rose and orange and has a delicious floral aroma that is light and irresistible. Deeply hydrating, this blend makes a beautiful massage oil that moisturizes and softens the skin within minutes. Lavender promotes warmth while orange awakens and revitalizes, making this oil perfect to share with your partner.